Lynette Fromme (Red) and Sandra Good (Blue), along with Charles Manson, have been warning society of the dangers of pollution and environmental destruction for decades. Red and Blue are the cornerstones of a real no-compromise ecological movement.
Lynette Fromme, Red, and Sandra Good, Blue, have been with Manson for over twenty-five years.
In 1975, Red was convicted of attempting to assassinate then President Gerald Ford. She was sentenced to life in prison. She began her sentence at MCI - San Diego, was transferred to Federal Correctional Institution (FCI) - Pleasanton, California, then went to FCI - Alderson, West Virginia. After Alderson she served a few months in Lexington, Kentucky's max unit before being transferred to the maximum security unit at FCI - Marianna, Florida. After serving 34 years, she was released in August of 2009.
In 1976, Blue was convicted of conspiracy to mail threatening letters and "issuing threatening communications through interstate commerce". She served ten years. She began her sentence at FCI - Terminal Island, California, and was later transferred to FCI - Pleasanton, and then to FCI - Alderson. She currently resides in California.
An interview with Charles Manson, Lynette Fromme, and Sandra Good
Can you tell those who don't otherwise know about ATWA it's goals, outlooks and purposes.
CM: Survival.
SG: ATWA stands for Air, Trees. Water, Animals. It's also for All The Way Alive. ATWA is your survival on earth. You are either working for ATWA - life - or you're working for death. Fix it and live or run from it and die. As Manson woke up, he brought everyone at the ranch into the thought of one world, one mind, one peace on earth. He wrote, "I won't sell my Soul 4 it's for ATWA. That's the only way life on earth can be alive. The will of God is life. Get in God's will or die. Die can be done in the mind's thought pattern and new life can be brought in focus."
LF: ATWA means whatever is necessary to sustain the natural balance of air, trees, water, and animals for the whole planet (and therefore the people who can live within that balance). Most individuals have always thought themselves not big enough or significant enough to have an effect on the whole planet, a notion which conversely made them think they could afford big arrogance and big greed over its resources. Some people now know how seriously and negatively the mass of people already have affected the planet, and that in order to live and die with any respect for ourselves we'll need to think simply enough to see the big picture, to order and accept the order of whatever is necessary for its survival. Each person must work literally for his or her own life. While this would not always be easy, it would always he meaningful, worthwhile, satisfying, spiritual, and leading to the peace of knowing LIFE before you die.
Are you familiar with, or in contact with the more radical environmental groups - Earth First!, Sea Shepherds, ALF, etc?
CM: We started the root thoughts for most or a lot.
LF: We aren't part of a group. We're related to air, trees, water, and animals. Groups I've seen perpetuate the paperwork to sustain themselves. "Environmental groups" get a name, a following, and, if they're not mean enough, a lot of politically, racially, and sexually motivated people take over their forums. The word "environment" itself has a technical sound implying some place out there away from where we are. Point blank: you can live about seven to ten minutes without air, about seven to ten days without water, about seven to ten weeks without food. Trees and vegetation make air. Animals - the entire spectrum of creatures commonly called 'animals '- fertilize, aerate, pollinate, clean, and give land and water its vitality and health.
How does ATWA perceive a change coming?
CM: Do or die.
SG: Get out of the Hollywood-media brainwash. Get back to the ground. Do what you can to get Manson his rights in a court of law. He was denied his constitutional right to defend himself. As his rights were taken, so will your rights be taken. The truth has been covered up to the loss of earth and all who want to live. Rise above woman's fear and confusion. Recognize your brother/soul self.
LF: Through all its perceivers.
A mutual acquaintance who works for the military was commenting that ATWA felt great change would come via that avenue. Is this correct? If so, how?
CM: Center of all law is life and must be survival. Law and all order starts from life - one life to live or all life will do its end on Earth. People get one new thought from us and run with it, distort, twist it and $. Computer read outs.
SG: Yes, historically the military represents on some levels the highest development of the human mind. The US military comes from my ancestors' mind. I am descended from John Paul Jones, the father of the US Navy. I grew up in a Navy town. Manson was born on Veteran's Day, November l l, 1934. His grandfather served In World War One, his dad in World War Two. Manson has done more than 47 years in reformatories, jails, and prisons which were staffed mostly by ex-servicemen. CM has said, "I live in the uniform. I've lived there all my life." Another time he said. "I believe my brother is a veteran, that he fought for me, he gave me his life, and I think the graveyards are full of my brothers."
There is a chain of command in the military that is based on motions and truth, honor and loyalty. Men in uniform understand the brotherhood whereas in civilian life today honor and loyalty seem to be extinct. The main reason for the killings in 1969 was for love of brother, to get a brother out of jail. Lynette Fromme has served 20 years because of her efforts to get Manson a trialwith rights and to call attention to the fact that the country is out of order and that ATWA is dying. I served ten years in federal prison for similar reasons. As a woman I can't really answer this question adequately, but I do know first hand something of loyalty, honor, and sacrifice.
There is much wrong with the military today, starting with the chain of command all the way to the top. The bureaucrats and military are two different things. If you had a king the military could work better. You're looking at a bad military because you're looking at a bad bunch of sneaky politicians who are selling the military. They have been selling the country. But when you get a king you can't sell the country because if you're selling the country you're selling the king. The king is the mind, the king is the life. If you beat the king you beat yourself because you are the king. Each man is his own king. Put all your kings together in one symbolic king and then you have to do whatever that one says. If you don't do what that one says you're going to lose it all. Falling back to the bureaucratical system we have won't get it. Democracy ain't shit. Everyone says it's working because the people who are rich are telling them to say that. It's been falling down for years. They've been selling it, but that doesn't change the military because the military is nothing but procedure. The military is NOW. It runs on now, on orders, and these orders should be in the will of god and not held in civilian courts which are a bunch of political B. S.
You figure that the President of the United States stands the uniform up to attention, the King of England stands all the English soldiers up to attention - other leaders do the same. Then you imagine Manson is ten times that in real authority, in experience and truth and will for life. When people get to that their heads can't deal with it and it's too heavy. In short, we get Manson his rights, we allow him his authority,and we win the war on pollution or we will all perish. The US military has the potential to win any war as long as its chain of command is intact and in the truth.
LF: The change logically becomes military because military powers are meant to be used for the preservation and defense of a homeland. The homeland now is the whole planet. Individual groups -- again political, racial and sexual -- would argue forever and die without clean water and air, life and death would continue to become a tightening noose of selfish concerns choking off any comfort, peace, and quality that technology may have offered. Without quality of humanity, the rest is a scrap heap.
It seems as though many people are sympathetic with ATWA. Do you think our days are reflectivc of the late 60's? Lots of interest, a small amount of real action, followed by an apathetic transgression into a blind form of acceptance?
CM: FUCK people they are the problem.
SG: The movements of the late 60's/early 70's were in a large part people selling "revolution", "peace", and "love". The for real people were what the media tagged as "The Manson Family". That's why the people who fake for money have for 27 years been covering us up with lies and distortions. A lot of people sell anything they can, including concern for life on earth. Part of my 15 year sentence was for telling all the environmental groups "Quit faking!". We gave our lives for brother and for ATWA and after all these years none of those groups saw or responded. They can't see our real because they are fakes. They play all that, "It's wrong to kill or go to war to save your own life on earth." I'd say: This is a war on pollution, on the problems, a war for life.
People can say that the "enemy" is all that is in the human psyche that sets it against itself -- self destructiveness: that which moves one to defeat one's self, one's life on earth, one's peace, one's love, one's joy in the experience of living, one's soul, one's creativity, one's children, family, kin, and kind. Millions of trees are cut to print more and more books analyzing the human condition and how to deal with the worldwide breakdown of order, health and sanity. More cups, posters and shirts are sold showing what has and is becoming extinct. You can name the human condition however you will -- alienated, wrongly conditioned, inherently good or evil, in need of... etc. There are countless people to tell us what is wrong and to sell us their physical, metaphysical, or spiritual cures. You can attempt to stave off the creeping poisoning of one's own body. Air and water are life. If your air and water are full of the emissions of millions of cars and factories, your life is poisoned. So you can try all kinds of things to stave off the nightmare that each knows in his soul is growing worse each day -- a world with no order, no leadership, no trees, 100's of millions of cars, brown, smelly skies, and frenzied two-legged creatures mindlessly ravaging the earth till there's nothing left.
Only the walking dead can be blindly accepting of what's happening in the world today. Starving Third Worlders who move to First World countries aren't apathetic of the fact that the quality of life where they came from has been rendered no good. The impact of immigration, added to the damage already ongoing, will mean a growing man-made hell. And the end of life on earth.
LF: Because people need reassurance from other people, people fail. Doubt and fear destroy the best instincts. Anything done with ATWA in mind needs no reassurance. But to keep from having everyone running helter skelter, there is natural leadership. Natural order is not up for debate. It exists independent of our thinking and is as physical a reality as gravity.
It seems as though CM is reappearing in the public again quite a bit recently. Could this gain support for ATWA if put out where everyone can see it (or maybe they don't want to see it)?
SG: If people can't see by now that their own lives on earth are dying each day in the air and water, in the trees and in the wildlife, then they are truly the walking dead and nothing will wake them up. Let the dead bury the dead. The mass of people are sheep and move whichever way the money or the biggest fear tells them to move. When air and water get bad enough people will do as they are told. It doesn't matter what people think. It's what is. Do you want to live? Then fix your air and water. Save your trees and wildlife. Those who war upon any part of nature are warring upon themselves and their children. ATWA is ATWAR with pollution. ATWA is a revolution against pollution. ATWA is a holy war.
LF: Manson is new thought, old soul, and still right.
What is ATWA's view on the population explosion? What can be done to stop the weeds?
CM: Survive at all cost. When it comes to the dead heads there is no game no slack, not an act: real or death will be a reality.
SG: It is impossible for the natural resources of the planet to sustain the burgeoning human population. Even if lifestyles were to change worldwide to have minimal impact on ATWA the sheer numbers cannot be supported. What can be done to stop the weeds? Chemical spraying, widespread and intensive, has been going on for decades. I was in federal prison for ten years because I warned of the consequences of such pervasive poisoning. I warned that cancers and all kinds of social breakdown would be epidemic as a result of pollution. So you see, peoples' own death wishes are taking care of some of the population problem. However, laws in accord with need for survival will have to be made and enforced. Such laws will not be forthcoming from the ball-less money minds that call themselves public servants. The destruction of ATWA and over- population are world problems and must he dealt with on a world level in a world court.
LF: Many animals, by God, reproduce and care for what the food and water supply will support. If they can do it we can do it.

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